Dental Hygiene

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Dental Hygiene Switch Dental

Creating a positive dental visit for your child

The dentist’s chair can be a nerve-wracking place even for the most thick-skinned of adults, so it is no real surprise that young children can sometimes feel apprehensive about getting their teeth checked out.

Dental Hygiene Switch Dental Tips & Tricks Treatments

Get your teenager checked before 18

Be proactive and encourage them to go before they turn 18. Here are the reasons why

Dental Hygiene Tips & Tricks

Don’t bite your ice cream (and other summer tooth tips)

Your Lower Hutt dentist wants your summer season to be as easy and fun as possible – without toothache and breakage getting in the way

Dental Hygiene Switch Dental Tips & Tricks

Christmas treats and your teeth: what to avoid these holidays

Every second present you give and receive seems to be something sugar-rich and the main event is an extravagant meal with all the bells and whistles…we have to wonder what kind of effect all this festive food is having on our poor teeth!

Dental Hygiene Tips & Tricks

Could your lifestyle be causing dental destruction?

Between destructive acidic, sugary treats and improper oral hygiene practices, your teeth are taking an unnecessary beating!

Dental Hygiene Tips & Tricks

Tooth sensitivity: no, it’s not just you!

Potentially the most common tooth-related issue your Wellington dentist will come across in clients is sensitive, weak teeth

Dental Hygiene Switch Dental Treatments

Swollen glands and wisdom tooth pain?

Pericoronitis or any other form of infection (like a tooth abscess) is one of those issues that gets worse over time if left untreated.

Dental Hygiene Switch Dental Tips & Tricks

Wisdom teeth – who are they and what are they up to

Luckily for you, we have Dr. Lee – our wisdom teeth expert! Get in touch with the team at Switch today to get on top of those wisdom teeth

Dental Hygiene Switch Dental Tips & Tricks

Trouble at the source – healthy gums mean healthy teeth

Gums are like the foundations for a house. A house can get damaged and won’t be able to last without good foundations.